I I I B4 www.app.com ASBURY PARK PRESS MONDAY, DEC. 27, 2010 PUZZLES ADVICE DEAR ABBY Weighty words cause family dilemma DEAR ABBY: After hav- more complicated than a ing been out of the U.S. lazy attitude. for many years, I noticed You don't need a "silupon returning that peo- ver tongue" to apologize ple here seem to be much to your sisters for having fatter. I went to a family offended them.
Perhaps gathering, and virtually your "favorite psycholoevery formerly slim mem- gist" would have invited ber of my family had be- you to her son's wedding come bigger. if you had been willing to I quietly mentioned it apologize. to one of my sisters, and DEAR ABBY: I'm a word got around that I 45-year-old male reader. I had "no manners." My have been friends with other sister, "Niki," who "Oscar" for 20 years. He has a degree in psychol- asked me to be the godogy, told me in no uncer- parent of his new baby tain terms that people girl.
As you can imagine, never talk about such I was overwhelmed when things with each other. he asked. I explained to her that I told him I needed to think it over to be sure of mentioning it once, or discussing the ballooning of America, can be appro- my decision. After a few days I was still indecipriate. I believe our coun- sive.
Part of wanted to me try has fattened up beattitude do it, and part of me cause of a lazy didn't. I told Oscar it was toward exercise and calories. Niki vehemently opan honor, but I felt unsure and not fully composes my discussing it. mitted. 0So I bowed out to I learned later that she give him time to find neglected to invite me to someone else.
her son's wedding for fear I would say something Oscar's reaction told about you-know-what to me he was deeply angry her in-laws. I admit, I and hurt. Is it wrong to don't have a silver say no when someone tongue, but I'm disap- asks you to be a godparpointed my favorite psy- ent? chologist has blackballed True friend in Wisconsin me and cut off communi- DEAR TRUE FRIEND: cation. It's sad to lose a No, it's not wrong if the sister this way. person who is asked does Brother black sheep not feel able to fulfill the DEAR BROTHER BLACK obligations that go with SHEEP: Why do I think that honor.
Your friend there's more to this story may feel less hurt if you than you have written? explain to him your reaObesity has become an sons for not accepting. epidemic in this country, and the reasons for it are Dear Abby appears daily. TODAY'S ANSWERS EAST BIC CAKE STEAM MLLE HORS A TAR I EVEN IRIS UNSOLVED SETTLE ICK MUD ALS TIMBER CARNE ADIEU CUREALLS PENN YOKES FOAM MIC HOURS SINGED LINGO TAI STA PIE AMBUSH MULLOVER LASS FEAR OPINE KNEE US SR WANDS SAND LOT LEST WORD SLEUTH Monday's unlisted clue: EARTH TODAY'S CRYPTOQUOTE: A LAWYER WITH HIS BRIEFCASE CAN STEAL MORE THAN A HUNDRED MEN WITH GUNS. MARIO PUZO JUMBLE Jumbles: BERTH ABBOT ARCADE BRUTAL Answer: This can be relaxing after a hard day at the office A BABBLE BATH SUDOKU 6 2 5 7 43 9 81 798512634 431 69 8752 3 6 9 1 8 7 4 25 58246 9 3 1 7 1 7 4 3 6 9 8 4 7 2 5 6 1 93 2 1 6 9 4 5 7 8 953871246 SATURDAY'S PUZZLE ANSWERS SCRARRIE BRAND GRAMS SOLUTION CAROUSE RACK 1 62 S1 OR RACK 2 9 A1 RACK 3 59 N. R.
RACK 4 80 PAR SCORE 140-150 TOTAL 210 is a trademark of Hasbro in the US and Canada. Hasbro. Distributed by Tribune Media Services, Inc. All rights reserved FAMILY TIME CROSSWORD A GA 20 25 27 CLAY DOA GALA RE A 37 38 RE A 50 53 56 Previous riddle answer: Thing in a ring? 17-A) Gem 2010 Universal Uclick www.amuniversal.com/ups Answers to Saturday's Boggle BrainBusters: CHEESE PICKLE ONION KETCHUP STAR FORECAST By Jeraldine Saunders Love is in the air IF TODAY is your birthday: The year ahead can bring romance, excitement and a successful change for the better. Your ambitions are in the forefront for the next several weeks, and because you are passionate about what you do, you will do well.
In April and May, you might try too hard to achieve an impossible dream and alienate someone. Wait until June or July to press forward. Whether you are looking for a new romantic partner or a successful foothold in the business world, in June and July you are likely to impress everyone with your talents. Take advantage of opportunities or offers that appear out of the blue during those months. People in general will have your best interests at heart, you will be luckier than usual (especially with investments) and whatever you start will lead to prosperity or improved conditions.
FORECAST FOR MONDAY, DEC. 27 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Toughen up. The end of the year has been coming all year. Make your muscles work overtime to get everything completed or to meet a looming deadline. You can't blame anyone for a last minute panic.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Contemplate coming to a compromise. You might not share the same opinion about one particular subject with another person, but you can find common ground in some other area if you exert some effort. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Give yourself time to feel full before you grab for another bite and don't overstuff your shopping basket, either. Even while shopping for a particular thing, you may have a compelling urge to buy all the musthave accessories. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Sidestep resentment.
You might be challenged by other people who have a heavy schedule and little patience with your needs. Continue to be positive about the future, even if someone rains on your parade. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Someone's change of BRIDGE By Frank Stewart Back in business 'O Day the of Twelfth Christmas, at last Dad licked his lips. The guests are gone, the turkey, too.
We dined on fish and chips." My club was back in business after the holidays, and Unlucky Louie tried his luck in a penny game. As South he restrained himself and stopped at six spades. He took the ace of diamonds and led a trump to dummy and East discarded. Louie next passed the 4 queen of hearts, and West won and led another diamond. Louie ruffed and couldn't draw trumps; he ran the hearts.
On the fourth heart West threw his club, and Louie was sunk. West discarded again on the fifth heart and had to get a club ruff. LOSING FINESSE "Business as usual," Louie sighed. "A 5-0 trump break and a losing finesse." After Louie ruffs the second diamond, he must cash one high club, then heart might be temporary. You might believe that all has been forgiven, but the assurances you receive might be false or simply expedient.
Don't put too much reliance on promises. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Your chariot of holiday spirit swings low and picks up some new friends along the way. You might be pressed for spare cash as the week begins, but your spirits will remain high due to congenial comrades.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Too tired to conspire. You have either a hectic schedule or more than your fair share of responsibilities to deal with. You may run into obstacles if you attempt to get back on track with a delicate project.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Insincerity is in the air. When you take unfair advantage of someone, you run the risk of being put at a disadvantage. Double check the facts before you agree to take on a heavier workload or a loan.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Your wallet might be empty, but your heart is full. You have confidence that tomorrow brings the lucky break you need. A positive attitude will offset post holiday blues but won't pay the bills.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Rock your rut. You must find a way to fulfill obligations, even if you think no one is paying attention. Remaining flexible and learning how to do things in a different way may speed things along.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): If you are going to sell your house, the first thing the buyer sees is your front door, so make sure it sparkles. If you want to sell yourself, the first thing someone sees is your smile, so stretch your lip muscles. PISCES (Feb.
19-March 20): The buddy system helps the budget. Someone with more vision or expertise should be consulted before you put your hard -earned cash on the line. Someone close may demonstrate sensitivity to your needs. Horoscope appears daily. NORTH KJ7 04 J764 4 AK 06 WEST EAST 486542 None 2 62 873 10983 0 K052 109743 SOUTH A 0 10 9 3 AJ 1095 0 A 482 North East South West 1 NT Pass Pass Pass All Pass Opening lead 0 10 run the hearts.
If West ruffs, dummy overruffs, and Louie draws trumps and finishes his winners. If West never ruffs, Louie discards all of dummy's clubs and crossruffs for the rest. DAILY QUESTION: You hold: SKJ7HQ4DJ76 4 A Q6. You open 1NT, your partner bids three spades, you raise to four spades and he tries five hearts. What do you say? ANSWER: Partner's five hearts is an ace-showing cue bid, and you must judge whether to bid slam.
Since you have good trump support, winners in clubs and a (probably) useful queen of hearts, bid six spades. Even if a diamond lead will beat it, the opening leader must find that lead. The bridge column appears daily. SOAP By Toby Goldstein ALL MY CHILDREN: As Madison delayed deciding about keeping her baby, Greenlee discovered that Madison is pregnant and feared that it could change things between her and Ryan. Meanwhile, Frankie the truth from Ryan and canceled the doctor's appointment that Ryan had arranged for Madison.
Reassured by JR that his interaction with Marissa is just a ruse, Annie surprised JR with a declaration of love. However, Annie remained insecure when JR didn't respond in kind. Coming: Annie can't let go of her (well founded) worries. BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL: Bill touted his son to the party guests as William Spencer III, one of the world's most eligible bachelors and the future of Spencer Publications. Although Liam tried to convince Hope that she means more to him than anything, Hope opted not to compete with the party temptations and left, giving Amber a clear field.
Amber got Liam drunk and followed him home. Alerted by Amber, Oliver made up an excuse to go to Hope's and gave her a shoulder to cry on. The next morning, Liam was shocked to find Amber in his bed and didn't remember anything. Coming: Amber's scheme may encounter an unexpected obstacle. DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Johnny was diagnosed with retinoblastoma, a cancer that necessitated the removal of his left eye.
The surgery was a success, but afterward, EJ ended his temporary truce with Sami and ordered her away from Johnny's bedside. Disguised as a guard, Bo found a badly beaten Hope in the prison and escaped with her, going on the run as Warden Jane ordered her troops to find them and kill them. Seeing how good Nicole is with Johnny, EJ realized her potential value to his family. Coming: Hope yearns to be with her child for the holidays. DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES: The Dec.
26 episode of "Desperate Housewives" is preempted by a special broadcast of "The Sound of Music." GENERAL HOSPITAL: Dante urged Brenda not to tell Sonny their secret, but as Sonny was proposing marriage to Brenda, Carly discovered that Brenda and Dante had a child together. Meanwhile, an unaware Lulu talked herself out of suspecting any hidden connection between Dante and Brenda. Jerry lured Lucky to the piers. Much to everyone's relief, Luke showed up at his wedding, but it was Brook Lynn who convinced Tracy to go ahead with the nuptials. Coming: Luke is under pressure to show up for his wedding.
GOSSIP GIRL: In a rebroadcast of the episode originally aired on Nov. 1, Blair was ready to celebrate her birthday in true Waldorf style, complete with a musical performance by Robyn. Coming: New episodes of "Gossip Girl" resume on Monday, Jan. 24. ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Confronted by Natalie, Marty agreed not to tell John that Brody is the father of Nat's baby, but Marty privately intended to reveal the secret to someone else.
After an eyewitness identified Nate as having been at the crime scene, he admitted his presence there, and was arrested after the murder weapon was found in Inez and Nate's apartment. Blair and Jessica inadvertently led Kelly to think that Aubrey may be hiding something, prompting Kelly to ask Rex to dig up dirt on Aubrey. Coming: Marty plans to get revenge in the worst possible way. YOUNG AND RESTLESS: Victor returned home to discover that Adam is promoting the theory that Victor set him up. After getting the name of Skye's perfume from Jack, Sharon gave Adam the information just as Adam was officially charged with Skye's murder.
Sharon later learned that a box of the perfume was shipped to Hawaii. Abby was stunned by Ashley's acceptance of Tucker's marriage proposal. Ronan agreed to go on the transplant list for a liver donor but told the doctor to leave his family out of it. Ordered by Cane to stay away from his children, Colin warned Cane that he could lose everything. Diane agreed to work for Victor on his new project and was surprised by his invitation to move to the ranch.
Jill wasn't thrilled to find out that Niki is going to live with Michael and Lauren. Coming: Abby and Daniel hope for a brighter future without Daisy. E-mail Toby Goldstein at or write to her Tribune Media Services, 2225 Kenmore Suite 114, Buffalo, NY 14207. UNIVERSAL Sudoku Puzzle Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. 5 9 5 2 8 7 5 3 1 8 2 5 8 6 1 7 25 9 4 7 2 9 4 9 3 2 DIFFICULTY RATING: A 134627985 8 95 134267 7 2 69 5 83 14 4 5 1 2 8 9 7 3 6 SATURDAY'S 2 7 9 5 6 3 8 4 1 ANSWERS 6 8 3 4 15 29 5 4 7 8 1 2 6 9 3 3 1 8 7 2 9 6 2 3 4 51 7 8.