Why Is Ju Dou (1990) Good

1. “Ju Dou” (1990): An Oppressive and Genderized China

  • 4 jun 2018 · In Ju Dou, Zhang through his film shows the struggles between the individual and the state, as well as the male gaze and treatment of women in Chinese society.

  • Being an aficionado of the art house genre, Zhang Yimou holds a high place in my list favourite directors, second only to Wong Kar Wai. One of Zhang’s auterial trademarks is his use of narratives t…

“Ju Dou” (1990): An Oppressive and Genderized China

2. Ju Dou movie review & film summary (1991) - Roger Ebert

  • The ending of "Ju Dou" is as lurid and melodramatic as anything conceived by Poe or filmed by Bunuel, and it exhibits justice completely untempered by mercy.

  • Sex, it is said, is the only luxury with which the poor are as well supplied as the rich. But within the rigid Chinese feudal society depicted by "Ju Dou,"

Ju Dou movie review & film summary (1991) - Roger Ebert

3. A Portrait of Lives Constrained: Zhang Yimou's Ju Dou - Senses of Cinema

  • 20 mei 2015 · The trilogy contains a range of representations of masculinity in contrast to the more fixed character type played by Gong Li. There is the ...

A Portrait of Lives Constrained: Zhang Yimou's Ju Dou - Senses of Cinema

4. Ju Dou | Rotten Tomatoes

  • Powerful, poignant, and visually stunning, Zhang Yimou's Ju Dou was deservedly nominated for the Best Foreign Language Oscar. ... Mar 6, 1990, Original.

  • Ju Dou (Gong Li), the young bride of Yang Jin-shan (Wei Li), who is the tyrannical owner of a silk-dyeing business, is forced to endure her husband's violent tendencies and condescending nature. Although Ju Dou finds temporary solace in the arms of her husband's nephew, Tian-qing (Baotian Li), problems arise when Ju Dou gets pregnant. The couple then desperately tries to hide their passionate romance while convincing the merciless Jin-shan that the child is his.

Ju Dou | Rotten Tomatoes

5. Ju Dou (1990) Reviews - MyDramaList

Ju Dou (1990) Reviews - MyDramaList

6. Ju Dou (Film, 1990) - MovieMeter.nl

  • China 1920. Ju Dou is de derde vrouw van de rijke zijdeproducent Jin-Shan. Omdat zij nog geen kind voor hem gebaard heeft wordt zij telkens slecht behandeld en ...

  • Drama film.

Ju Dou (Film, 1990) - MovieMeter.nl

7. Ju Dou (1990) recensie - Cinemagazine

  • 'Ju Dou' is een tragisch, maar boeiend verhaal over verloren levens en wat je daar eventueel zelf aan had kunnen veranderen. Ju Dou wil meerdere keren haar ...

  • Recensie Ju Dou (1990), een film van Fengliang Yang, Zhang Yimou met Gong Li, Baotian Li, Wei Li, Zhang Yi, Ji-an Zheng, Ma Chong, Zhijun Cong, Wu Fa, Jia Jin, Xingli Niu

8. Ju Dou - Filmkrant

  • Chinees noodlotsdrama. Datum 01-12-1990; Auteur Jan Heijs; Thema Dossier: Zhang ... Well voordat hij in 1988 als regisseur doorbrak met Het rode korenveld.

  • Zhang Yimou is sinds 1982 één van de meest succesvolle cineasten van de Chinese cinema. Hij deed aanvankelijk het schitterende camerawerk voor de films The One and the Eight, Gele aarde en The Big Parade en speelde een hoofdrol in The Old Well voordat hij in 1988 als regisseur doorbrak met Het rode korenveld. Die […]

Ju Dou - Filmkrant

9. Dying in Color: Ju Dou Review - The Cameraman

  • 21 jul 2021 · The filmmakers find an apt style for rendering this story. The movie has a deliberate pace and is punctuated by many brief shots of empty rooms ...

  • In the next installment of my Zhang Yimou retrospective, I look at Ju Dou. After his directorial debut of Red Sorghum, Zhang Yimou made a thriller, Codename Cougar (1989), which he co-directed with…

Dying in Color: Ju Dou Review - The Cameraman

10. Ju Dou 1990, directed by Zhang Yimou and Yang Fengliang - TimeOut

  • 10 sep 2012 · A magnificent melodrama, even more visually sumptuous and emotionally draining than the same director's earlier Red Sorghum, even though its ...

  • A magnificent melodrama, even more visually sumptuous and emotionally draining than the same director's earlier Red Sorghum, even though its cruel tale of adult

11. Course:ASIA355/2023/Ju Dou: Exploring the Fabric of Gender ...

  • 19 jun 2023 · By portraying the devastating outcomes of the patriarchal and Confucian cultural norms prevalent in rural China during that era, Zhang Yimou's ...

  • Ju Dou: Exploring the Fabric of Gender Construct through a Transnational Lens

12. Ju Dou (1990) directed by Zhang Yimou • Reviews, film + cast

  • A woman married to the brutal and infertile owner of a dye mill in rural China conceives a boy with her husband's nephew but is forced to raise her son as ...

  • A woman married to the brutal and infertile owner of a dye mill in rural China conceives a boy with her husband's nephew but is forced to raise her son as her husband's heir without revealing his parentage in this circular tragedy. Filmed in glowing technicolour, this tale of romantic and familial love in the face of unbreakable tradition is more universal than its setting.

Ju Dou (1990) directed by Zhang Yimou • Reviews, film + cast

13. Ju Dou (1990) Movie Review from Eye for Film

  • 9 mrt 2007 · Viewable as an allegory for the old and new guard in China, a strong statement on pre-revolution socio politics or simply as a tale of doomed ...

  • Zhang Yimou’s third film, directed alongside Yang Fengliang, was his third collaboration with Gong Li. It is a visual masterpiece which could be viewed as a companion piece to Li and Yimou’s later film Raise The Red Lantern. While this is - by a fine margin - the lesser of the two films, both are visually stunning and concern the ‘fate of women’ at the hands of men and, by extension, society.

14. Film review: Ju Dou (1990), by Zhang Yimou - Marco Carnovale

  • 14 jan 2016 · Very good photography in this film. It is paradoxical that the long rolls of cloth of the dye factory give so much color to a very sad and dark ...

  • China tradition patriarchy family history marriage

Film review: Ju Dou (1990), by Zhang Yimou - Marco Carnovale

15. Ju Dou - Sonic Cinema

  • This is a movie that challenges patriarchal mindset, regardless of the culture, and gives the woman a degree of control over her life. Not complete control, but ...

16. Ju Dou - The Asian Cinema Blog

  • 11 aug 2022 · Ju Dou (菊豆) ; Director: Zhang Yimou, Yang Fengliang ; Country: China ; Year: 1990.

  • Ju Dou (菊豆) Director: Zhang Yimou, Yang Fengliang Written: Liu Heng Country: China Year: 1990 "Ju Dou" on Amazon. “Ju Dou” is the brutal and sad story of women’s reality in rural China. It is one of…

Ju Dou - The Asian Cinema Blog

17. Love + Lust = Lost (Ju Dou 1990) - WATCH&LEARN

  • 22 mei 2017 · While Hero was a wuxia film filled with connotations, Ju Dou, on the other hand, was a romance film with displays of overt social issues between ...

  • We have seen Zhang Yimou with his colourful storytelling with Hero (2002). Today, we delve into an older film from Director Zhang, Ju Dou (1990).

Love + Lust = Lost (Ju Dou 1990) - WATCH&LEARN

18. Ju Dou (1990) - Movie Reviews Simbasible

  • 26 apr 2022 · A woman married to the brutal and infertile owner of a dye mill in rural China conceives a boy with her husband's nephew but is forced to raise ...

  • …………………………………………………

Why Is Ju Dou (1990) Good


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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.