Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)

ROCnESXEE DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. AFRIL 19. 100C. a special session of loss ill probably reach into the hundreds. City Council, called EARTHQUAKE that body to-day aud forwarded a tele-sTm to the Mayor of Hnn Fnnifkco, offering in the name of Ms Angeles to render any aid possible, Main street i piled many teet aeep wmi fallen buildings.

Not one business building is intact. The four-story Court House I a pile of broken masonry. Identification of the dend Is Impossible. What was not destroyed by earthquake waa swept by fire. Citiseus fled to the fields and hills to watch the destruction of Santa Rosa.

The water system wns destroyed by the PALL HANGS OVER THE HOUSE CONTINUED FKOM VABK TWO. YV'sr Department, it Is said, would ltnvc nn supplies available iu Pan Francisco for rlirf work. There are various army din-lions along (he tst, however, whirb mlfrtit lw fsllwl on to render assistance. Secretary Taft has wired General Knns-ton ai follow; "I wish yon would report what niens-nres von have taksn, under -what authority bOClUUTtK-TKOY-SYlVACUaa TOPIC OF INTEREST IN LONDON Krnncteo to-morrow forenoon. An equal number of doctors snd nurses who tendered tlielr services were turned swsy on account of lack of accommodation on the trala.

Another special leaves to-night with more nurses doctors, aud policemen. Bridge at SlocKton Damaged. Stockton, April IS. A sharp earthquake shock Til felt her St 0:16 o'clock this morning. The Ssnte.

Ke bridge over Ban Josquln river settled several Inches. SAYS C00NEY WAS ABUSIVE De Bus Tells How Trouble Begun al fords oi R. 6 P. Railroad. The story of the trouble In the yards of the Buffalo, Rochester Pittsburg Railway on Monday, as told by one of the principals to It, W.

J. DeBus. differs from tho published version. DeBus is a contractor, who has done work on the building of the Sibley estate, the precinct houses and for the Rochester Railway and Light Company. He now has contracts' with the last company.

"The trouble we had in the yards of tho rnilwnv comnanv was due to Henry urchase of 1 0,000 AP Llllls Business Transacted, and That in a Ferlunctory Way. Washington. April 18. A pall hung over the lloiiso to-day by reason of the great calamity which has come to 8nn Frsaclsco and near-by towns. Legislation wont on a perfunctory way.

The bill extending the national irrigation law to Texas wi passed, and tho District of Columbia appropriation bill was tsKen up. Tho joint resolution to reappoint Andrew D. White, of New York, as a regent of the Smithsonisu Institution was adopted. A Joint resolution offered fcy Mr. Kahn, of California, directing the national government to extend all possible relief and assistance to the cities of Kan Francisco, Berkeley, Oakland, Alameda, and such Connsctlen Between the Earthquans and Vesuvius Discussed.

London, April 19. The calamity whk has the people of Han Francesco oven4uidows In Interest all other topics in flie t)iiw)aiKT here this morning. Following soon upon the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the earthquake shocis on the island or the question anxiously is debated whether there is any connection between theae terrible events. Km scientists have as yet expressed an opinion on the subject Professor John Yards of Fme other cities on the Pacitic oast as have sustained damage by to-day'a earthquake, wnose seismic o1servatory at Shide. Islo of Wight, recorded a ditur bance at lilO o'clix-k Wednesday after and Dress Fab SllltlllgS aetlng, bow many people need your nnit-anee and supplies, and that you would giva passe for Assoiintrd Press repre-entativea and tliose of othw press associations.

Wire me a as possible" A Western Dnion dtatpateli says that the earthquake shocks are reported aa far at an Haxen. Jisraila. The first mwwAE received from ( Fnnston arrived at 11:40 to-night at follows: Secretary of Wsr, Wa nil Inst on: we ueefl thousand of tents and all the ration that ean he ent. 'i'ne bnslnsss pur-i tlon of the elr detroyd anil 1UKX home-leu. Kir sUll raging.

Troop on dir.jr assfstlne; tha poltee. Ls ot life ioliaU.y nest prt of relrtnee dlstrlrt not j-t Orders will ga forward from the ar Pepartment to-morrow to the adjacent posts to carry out Generai Fnnaton'a tec-ommendt tious. PARTIAL LIST OF THE DEAD few Name of Those Already Identified sa Victim of the i Saa Francisco, April IS.The foltowinj 1 a partial list of the dead: Annie Whelan, killed while arieep In her bed at her home. No. 2,728 Sacramento afreet.

The chimney from an adjoining Uaire fell upon the roof under which the frirl waa sleeping, and ahe waa buried un noon, Ktiglish Ome, axpressea ihe opinion Utat. earthouake had no connection rics whatever with the volcanic eruption. Pro was adopted without debate. opeaker Cannon appointed Messrs, Foster, of Virginia, and Bennett, of New York, in place of Messrs. Watson, of Indians, and Fassctt, of New York, on tho House committee to attend the Franklin anniversary exercises In Philadelphia.

The Speaker then laid before the House and toad read the message of the President relating to the "oeef trust" humunity cases. fessor Milne secured several photographic records. Coouey, who assaulted me," said Mr. De-Bus yesterday afternoon. "He ls the man nrrested by the Ironworkers' Union for default lu returning funds of the union, and I was chairman of the committee that directed his prosecution.

For this he holds a grudge ngainst me, I sup- "Coouey got into an argument with rred Kirby, who -was hired by the American Bridge Company as a watchman at the vanls. The argument was as to who hired Kirbv. Kirliy said, mistakenly, thnt 1 hired him, and the two men came over to me to decide it. At this time Cooney began to call me mimes, and ended by giving me a shove, which caused me to trip over E. W.

superintendent of the Greenwich observatory on the contrary, consiilera that it In all probability waa a direct consequence of the activity of Mount Vesuvius, whose eruption dotiHtless staff ted a severe wavo movement through crust of the earth. He considers, how Sympathy Expressed In Berlin. Berlin, April 19. All the morning newspapers deal sympatbetlcslty with the situation arising from the earthquake In Ssn Frnelco. rrofeasor Archenhold, director of Treptow ever that there is not sufficient reaaon to connect theae--esjastrophes with displays of solnr activity and comments on the comparative rarity of arthiiuakes in the Aatronomlcnl Observatory, expresae himself as doubtful regarding the Idea that the eruption of Vesuvlu and the earthquake at Sua United States.

"I thought Cooney's object was to divert the watchman's and my attention while friends of his cut the ropes on my traveler. I have a contract with the Amerl- LELAND STANFORD DESTROYED Francisco were of common origin. i can Bridge Company to load steel irom One City Praclically Demolished and BOUGHT AND SELLING MUCH UNDER REGULAR PRICE. This collection is the smartest, the very newest, and most fashionable group of Fabrics and Suitings we could offer you. A collection from only the most reliable weavers, which they and we guarantee to be absolutely first choice goodst and dyed and finished only as they ought to be.

Every new spring shade shown in piece dyed fabrics of pretty combinations in the new gray effects, many of which are exclusive to this store, is also vell represented. Boston Would Send Help. Boston, April 18. As soon as it was learned to-day of the disaster in Sau Fran cisco, Mayor Jonu r. ritzgeram sent a der the DrR'k ana niaruir.

1 Unknown father and on Jiving at No. 3t7 Lanffdon street, killed under fall- "Myrtla Minse, No. 258 1-2 Lansdon street, died under ravin wall. Baker, Second and Stevenson eld, 12 years old, No. 030 1-2 Folwrn street.

William 4 yeara old, No. 280 rltevenaon street. telegram to Mayor Schmltz, saying: "Boston extends sincere sympathy in the calamity that has befallen your city. Can Student Killed. Oakland, April 18, 2:15 P.

M. Reports Just received from Pulo Alto say Stanford University Is practically demolished. One student is leported killed. Palo Alto is thirty-three miles south of JJnn Francisco, on the coast Hue of tho Southern Pacific Railroad. Here Is located the Leland Stanford, University, which was founded by Hie lute Sen we help you?" the cars on to wagons, i ran over io traveler to prevent any harm to it, and, seeing that it was all right, I tried to get a policeman, to take charge of Cooney.

"I could not 4nd poliwmsn near, went hack 1o ray work. I found Cooncy tfoore, snd took held of -him, asking Kirliy to help mo in having Coonpy taken into mltody. He would not do it, and 1 ag.iin went for policeman, and tound one. When I came back Cooney had gona, snd Kirby would not nay where he had gone. 1 thereupon diechargi'd Kirby, aa I had authority for doing, because he left hla job when he should have been attending to it.

"Five months ago I left the union becaune I wsa becoming an employer. I thought I oonld not well be a member of union and contractor st the same time. Since that time tome ot the union men have fTied to uae me as a lh to whip the American Bridge Company, but I object to being uaad. It the union wants to fight tho Brirtje company, all right; but I do not intend that it shall do it through me." ator Stanford, and which was endowed by him to the extent of nearly thirty million dollars. The university buildings are built of brownstone and are, said to be the tiuest cluster of buildings used for educational purposes In this coat try.

Resolution of Sympathy, Albiny, April IX Hoth houses of the Legislature to-night sdopted resolutions of iym-pathy for the people of Bn Francisco. The news of the cstastrophe almost eclipsed all other subjects during the all day tension. Nurses Sent from Los Angeles. Los Angeles, April 18. A special train of four coaches, with about seventy-Bve doctors and nurses on board, left Los Angeles for Ban Francisco, over the Southern Pacific Railroad, to-ntght The train Is doe in San I French Panama Suitings at $1.25 Yd.

The buildings are not high, the most of them being four stories or Icbs. The Memorial chupel, which is situated in the center of tho group of buildings, built at a coat of more thnu Palo Alto has a population of about and the country for a radius of several miles is level. Anna Welwter, No. 14 William rret. William Guellunan, No.

110 Eddy Street. John Tiraphy, fish market, Montjramcry and Kacremento streets. (renonimo Stag-mmi, No. 618 Merchant treet. Philip BuBalacclJ, fiah market.

Seventh nd Minna streets. Louis Paladina, Montgomery and Merchant streets. Hart Drumm. Max Febner, policeman, killed at entrance of City Hall. 8eT(reant of Police (Steve Bunner, killed at City Hall.

King. No 020 Mission street. SakJ Ishida, No. 420 Stevenson street. T.

Ladkmanda, No. 42" Stevenson street F. Miyikal, No. 423 Stevenson street. Mrs.

Ida Heslip, Ueary and Stockton streets. Ir. Stinaon, pliyaician, killed in his room on tha Eight floor of the California Stinaon was in bed when the walls crashed In and buried him. Unknown dead: Three Chinese; two unknown white women; unknown white Mian, sailor; unknown man, Hayes and Polk streets; unknown man, Wilcox House. Second and Jessie streets.

AGNEWS INSANE ASYLUM GONE Many ol the Inmates Killed or Injured and Others Set at Liberty. I Angeles. April 18. News comes to this: city from Niles, a small town in the Saata Clara Valley, about fifteen miles from San Jose, stating that the earth quake demolished the iilale Insane Asy Many Members of Rochester Families in the City Ruined By Earthquake and Flames At Least One Rochester Business Firm, That of Yawman tS Erbe, Loser by the Catastrophe-Inquiries for Relatives in the Ruined City. Intense interest concerning the San, The wife and daughter of William A.

Pet-Francisco earthquake is felt, in this city general supervisor of and will continue until definite news is York Central, this city, sre visiting In ban received as to scores of persons who either Francisco. went West from this city or are related Victor Sommer. father of Mrs. Catherine lum, at Agnews, near San Jose, burying many of the inmates lu tho ruins. It is stated that nSau Jose suffered severely This news was brought by an automobile 75c Mixed Suitings at 39c Yd.

Choice lot of wool mixed suitings in all the most wanted colorings, including lot of plain and figured mohairs. Regular 75c value, our price 39c. 1 .25 and 1 .50 Crepe de Paris at 69c Yd. Lupin imported silk and wool Crepe de Paris, plain and self colored dot bright silk, crepy finish, beautiful chiTon weight, in colors, such as brown, reseda, Alice blue, champagne, tan, light gray, lavender, cardinal, myrt'e and two shades of navy. Always sold as a special at $1.25 and $1.50.

Will go quick at 69c. 75c Panama at 59c Yd. 44-inch fine grade, all wool Panama, nice crisp finish, with self colored neat figureone of the season's most desirable fabrics, in navy, cardinal, Havana, brown, myrtle, Alice blue, gray, including black. Would be cheap at 75, for this sale at 59c. Wool Batiste at 50c Yd.

Handsome 36-inch all wool batiste, beautiful light chiffon weight, which is so much sought after this season for the popular plaited skirt- in new oyster gray, Alice blue, cardinal, navy, olive, reseda, old rose, champagne, tan and lilac. Compare with any batiste in city at 50c. 44 and 46 inches, beautiful French Chiffon Panama Cloths, in backgrounds of gray, Alice blue and cream with hair lines of black and white, forming checks and overplaids, one of the latest styles of the season. Our price $1.25. Wool Taffetas at, 5c Yd.

Imported wool Taffetas, soft clinging weight, 45 inches wide, In all the new spring colorings such as old rose, Alice Hue, reseda, oyster gray, champagne, navy, sky, cardinal, olive and cream. Our price 75c. Prunella at $1.00 Yd. Satin finished Prunella, extra high luster and fine quality, one of tbe most sought after and choicest fabrics of the season, in a complete range of street and evening shades. Our price $1.00.

Gray Suitings Handsome plain and mixed suitings in Panama; shadow clucks, stripes and overplaids and Scotch mixtures, most complete line to be found in city, 44 to 56 inches wide. Price from 75c to $2.50 yard. Frank Burge, native of England, 65 from San Jose to points where wire com' munication had been established with Los Aneeles temporarily. Francisco. April 18.

A Santa Fe years old, killed by walls falling upon liim at No. 235 Geary street. Mrs. McGann. Adolpn Schwinnett and wife.

Willie Car, No. 1547 Ellis street, i Patrick Broderick, Valencia Hotel. conductor reports that the Insane asy lum at Agnews is total wreck, many or known to meaple living or visiting nere. Draper, or this ciiy, lives in ou Inquiries for news reached the Democrat ami i'htoniela editorial rooms from early of the inmates being killed. The building is destroyed.

The ruins took Are shortly after the collapse. There was 71 HI persons in the building. The above report has been officially confirmed and it is added scores of the inmates who escaped death are roaming about the country in a state of panic. as do her brother, Frederick Bommer ana Mrs. Souinier.

Mrs. Norman Ellsworth, of Kan Francisco, Is Mrs. Draper's sister. Charles Eilgecumbe is In the Navy Pay- yesterday afternoon until long after tnid- i night. One of the inquiries wns irom a u-ifa and another who said that she had Mrs.

Lena Crowder, No. 14 Seventh Street. McKensie, No. 115 Haight street. M.

A. Hnstel, No. 2527 Sutter street. Gets, Sixteenth and Folsom streets. William Knowe, Injured by falling wall nd died at Mechanics Pavilion.

Peter Liud, Western Meat Company. Unknown: Unknown baby, five white men, unknown woman, 35 years old, Sixth and Foisora streets. office. He Is a brother or jaraea u. r.age been unable to get a word from Son Fran-1 of Phelps avenue, and formerly lived Cisco all day, and tbr she did not Know SHOCK REGISTERED IN ALBANY here.

Howard Hoyt Is In the nsvy powder office. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown formerly lived whether her husband and clnbiren were living or dead. Some queries wero from oeonlo well acquainted ith SSan Francis-1 here.

eo, who wanted to know the precise bounds of the affected district, while others were Mrs. Jennie Pratt formerly lived here. Mrs. Mary Hartbauer and her daughter, GREAT DAMAGE DONE AT SALINA Miss Laura Ilartbaucr, removed from lroup street to fcau Francisco a few months ago. Miss Marlon Weed, the singer, sister of Miss Minnie O.

ceil, a teacher lu so. i BLACK DRESS GOODS Ri.Atf.K VOILE I BLACK PANAMA School, arrived In t-au Frauclsco Monday morning last, with a party from New York. lleury aud Saiil David, brothers ot Marcus David, ot South Union street, are resiuents 52 inch, high grade, all wool Panama, just the correct weicht for the popular street suit, Imported French Voile, 44 inches wide, liarttttifisl tmpC and handsome iet black and of ban Francisco. Instruments in Geological Mall Recorded Disturbance for nn Hour. Albany, April 18.

The earthquake was registered by the instruments at Geological Hull in this city. The agitation began lure at A. and continued until 9:30. From the first registration until o'clock the record was of iight disturbance, but from the latter hour until o'clock it was decidedly severe. The vibration when the shock was most severe as of an inch.

The lesser waves traveled at the rate of feet a second aud the more severe at the rate of feel. This Is the second shock that has been recorded here during the past month. The first place on April 10th and continued fiuii until o'clock in the afternoon. State Geologist Clark believes that the first disturbance was a shock pre-iminnry to the one which took place today. GOULD OFFERS FINANCIAL AID (leorge Ferguson, nephew of Andrew Fer $1,00 always sold as a special at $1.25.

Sale price guson, of tills city, nas nccn a resident ui San Francisco for several years. $1.25 crisp finish, compare with any voile at $1.50. Our price- Two Million and a Half Loss, but no Life Lost in This Town. Salinas, April 18. At 5:15 A.

M. to-day three earthquake shocks shook Salinas lasting respectively five, three and forty-two seconds. They came from the northeast and southwest. The damage is No lives were lost. A Armstroug, of Santa Cms, jumped from the window of the Jeffrey's House suil broke a leg.

Among the buildings destroyed are the Ford and jStanbury building, dry goads, ivlk's Hall, Masonic building, the Knights of Pythias building. Armory, Porter At Irving' store, Ligau Cycle Railway, Odd Fellows' building. City Hall, and several smaller building's. Every window in the city was broken. Chimneys toppled over and crashed through roofs, ipriekles' sugar factory, three miles from town, was destroyed, causing damage of anxious to get whatever information couia be given them.

At least one Rochester firm was directly affected the disaster. The Yaw-man Erbe Manufacturing Company had a salesroom aud office in the strkken city, on which there was probably a total loss. Philip H. Yawman, president of the company, said last night: "We had a large salesroom and ofllce In the Kuilto building, San Francisco, Tn which about ten persons were employed. We liave received no word from San Francisco to day, and it la Impossible for us to estimate our loss at this time.

If the entire stock and other property was destroyed the loss will probably be between $15,000 snd Ouatav Erbe left San Francisco last week, snd Is now on Ills way home." There were two former Hochesterlans employed In the Ban Frauclsro offices of the Vawuiaa A Krbe Manufacturing Company. One was W. K. Andrews, who has a brother on the Rochester pollcs force and another la the Fire Department. Former B.Khesterians are.

now residing lu An fc-csudscn. as follows: Frederick It. Muhs, general manager of the Snu Francisco branch of the American Bridge Company, has friends in this city. His office la in the Crocker building, which Is reported destroyed. Geoigo T.

Gray, of the Hotel Lenox, has friends tn Itochester. en's argams i ar I-'lrsf si till IS the The above expresses what to iook tor wncn you of Linen Collars, 12 l-2c collars at the remarkably low price of Telegraphs Request That He be Allowed to Contribute to Relief Fund. Chsrles Newma, proprietor of 'be Buss th cafe. Hla brother MEN AND BOYS Urea In Murray street, this city. Iter.

Louis J. eawyer. pastor of llamii-. re Bsutlst Church, was assistant s.a itnntist church, this Mr. and Mrs.

T. T. Southwtck, of No. 19 I'ptou pork, have been visiting In San Francisco. They were to start homeward by way of Portland, this m.iniliie.

John Lighthouse sad family, of this city, are visiting In Saa franelaeo. Ralph Itlodgett, formerly of this city, who lias been In Snn Francisco three months, has telatlves in Brockport. Wellington D. Potter, of the reportorlal staff of the Democrat and Chronicle, Is connected with one of the large ro. tail clothing houses of Han Francisco.

William Newton, of Henrietta, has a daughter In Francisco. Mrs. John Brewster, Mrs. Austin Brewster and the latl.r'e daughter, Mrs. lirny, i-Vo visiting la San Frauclsco.

Mrs. f. M. Gordon, of this cliy, was stopping at the St. Frauds Hotel, where aho arrived Saturday last.

lTofessor Herman L. Falrcbtld, of the Department of Geology, University of Koehester, said last "The nrluclpal scientific Interest In the city, eight yesrs ago. who la visiting Mr. Slid ALL S-ZES FOR 100 dozen men's white washable four-in-hand Ties, 2 1-2 inches wide, choice selection of patterns, these are the regular 25c 1 kind, special ut Ttn's fancy silk Four-in-Hands, made in the French style, choice selection of patterns, Speaal Dispol. to thj Iiemocrit and Chrsnirle.

Sau Francisco, April 18. The following message from George J. Gould to Mayor Eugene K. of San Francisco, has been received here: "Hon. Kugeue K.

Schmits, mayor of San Francisco: "I am greatly shocked and distressed at the terrible calamity that baa overtaken your When you have determined the extent of it nnl their necessities, please telegraph me If you need any assistance, as I would like to be one of the contributors. Accept my assurances of very deepest sjmpaihy. C.KOnijf! J. GOt'LD. Men's black cotton seamless Half Hose, spliced heel and toe, regular 12 l-2c C.

values, special at 3 pairs for Men's balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, seconds of 50c kinds at 75c a suit, or gar- Men's white unlaundered Shirts, pure linen The High School building was wrecked. Several More lost their entire stocks. At 2:25 P. M. another shock was experienced, but no lives were lost.

Several men, women and children were cut about vh face by flying glass. There is intense excitement, Salinas i cut off from wire communication with Ban Francisco, 1H8 sajles north. At Watsonville, -the Moreland Academy was destroyed by fire and severs! buildings collaipsed. At Monterey and Pacitic tirove there was a slight shock. At Monterey, at the Pehnonte Hotel, three chimneys through the roof, killing a tirhlal psir and hotel servant, and injuring several other persons.

At Hollister, Granger's I'nion Warehouse was destroyed. Mrs. Griffith was killed snd her husband became craved on account of the shocks. FIFTY KILLED AT SAN JOSE Charles H. Bnbeock, ot this city, lives in 8an Frauclsco, where her hiiahand and family krri.

A. Junius, of No. Myrtle baa daughter lu San Frsnolsco. bosom, WamSutta muslin body. regular 25c value, 3 for 50c, or 1 H.

V. J. Hwsyne, father of E. K- Swoyne, a reporter on the Koehester Herald, Is a law-r in San Frsneisoo. saa7 The best shirt value in the city at each.

William O. Csseau, who has Wn In tbe sndltlng department of tbe Southern Pacific Kaltroad for seven years, and F.dwlu II. silk well Men's fine tan negligee Shirts, plaited fmnr. chambrav body, full, roomy, earthquake wi.l be the lime that passed between the Instant tho first shock wa felt In made, these are regular i.uu yup Caseau. who is also won mo etne, sro brothers of Theodore C.

Caieau, of the Bocbealer Dr. Edward Hrcysoglc, who lived In th muslin Night Shirts with or without pocket, trimmed or plain, made of Wam-sutta muslin, special value at jQt Men's soft front Shirts, in white and fancy patterns, neat stripes in black and white and colors, very special values at Qq fa. a kinds for- Men's fancv strioed negligee Shirts, separate SACRAMENTO LITTLE DAMAGED Buildings ShaKen but No Serious Loss is So Far Reported. Sacramento, April IS.

The severest earthquake iu this city In many yesrs occurred at 6:13 o'clock this morning. Huililiugs were shaken, but no serious dumsge wss done. A few cracks were discovered in the stone postofllca building and some brick buildings were slightly damaged. Telegraph and telephone wires sre prostrated between Sacramento and San Francisco. Chimneys and water tanks were shuken down at Suisun.

Solaim county, and Tracy, San Joatuin couuiy. 79c cuffs, in blue, tan and gray, all sizes, regular $1.00 values at fan Francisco and the tnalant thu llrst tremor was recorded oa the seismographs In Albany and Wukhlugtwn. Assuming that the first quake waa fi It iu Ban Francisco st 5:10 this morning, It will be of great Interest to know just how long the tremor wss to passing from that point across tho contluent. San Francisco Is f.irly-nlne degrees west of Albany, which Is equivalent to 3 hours and sixteen minutes, sctual time. That ts equlv-slent tn o'clock la Albsuy.

l'ress reports say that tbe seismograph In the latter city made Its first record at which In- Santa Cruz.Ssnta Rosa, and Other Towns All Sulfer Heavy Loss. Ix Angeles, April 18. A report from 4ii Jose says that the Vendome Hotel Annex was wrecked and alwut fifteen people were killed. Dr. Degrow was killed and his wife was injured.

Every business building iu San Jose was damaged or demolished. The Mayor has deputised 5U0 men to watch property. It. is estimated that fifty persons were kilied In Rsb Jose. The postomVe sis half wrecked; the Presbyterian Church wss demolished, and the Court House Is a wreck.

Falace Hotel, demolished sun onni, uncle of John Itreysogle, of thla city. Miss Aid Wilcox, of Oakland. Is cousin of George V. Wilcox, of this cliy. Clement Ijmtuer, who hna been In Han Francisco two years, Is a son of Mr.

snd Mrs. W. C. Lautner, of this city. Charles, Howls nd, Carlton snd Mary Monl-throp are related to Colonel S.

I Mmiithrop. of this city. Chsrles M.iulthrop ts a civil engineer. Howland a lawyer snd Carlton Is a tuerctoairt. W.

N. Kenyon, formerly foreman In the Rccli-ster ftreet Detainment, recently to fan FraNriseo fros this city, a did Mr. and Alb-rt Wlls-w. Mrs. Wilson la Mr.

Kenyon daughter. A. Rvercit. f.f the ofllce of the station master. New York Central city, bss relatives In Sob I dicates an error sotuewuere, as tne tremor could not have traveled the distance In that time.

rassengers arrival inns uisio cities in California bring of death Aa.Hr.ce frcm Lns Ar.gele, and disaster. Sauta Crux, Mont-rey. Gil- Us April rov and Hollister were fatally visited. I of Ix.s Allies, tiled a message to Mayor 132 to 142 Main Street East -The dlftcreiice between the actual lime In Washington and fan Francisco la 8 hours and -J minutes, which would give 1S minutes additional for the tremor to arrlre In tbat city, and that Is prnbahly niiich nearer the truth than the Allisny report," Tk. rfesth list st gains Cruz is reported ix.

rau.ns.-o. ottering der any and asking for advice to be large. A report says that Santa Rosa Is wreck, 10,000 persons being homeless. The a to tiie situation aud what sid may be needed. President Snmrotrland, of the.

Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Views: 5301

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.