Mount Carmel Item from Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania (2024)


Opera House Feb. 13 Lincoln J. Carter's Heart Play TOO PROUD TO BEG His Greatest Success Prices 25, 35, 50, 75c. LETTER TO THE SUPERVISORS The following letter has been sent to the various Township Supervisors by the County Commissioners: The County Commissioners of Northumberland County, on behalf of the State, Highway Department, invite you to be present at the meetings of the Townships Supervisors of Northumberland County to be held in the court house in Sunbury, on February 25th, 1907, at 10:30 a. m.

and 1:30 p. m. 'It is expected that the State Highway Commissioner will be present at these meetings, the object of which is the formation of a County Association and the discussion of matters pertaining to the repairs and construction of township roads. Owing to the fact that no appropriation for the expenses of these meetings can be made by the County Commissioners it is hoped that the Supervisors will consider the great importance of the movement and lend their support and influence by attending in a body. CASPER A.

THARP, FRANK ERDMAN, P. J. GLENNAN, County Commissioners. Sunbury, February 6th, 1907 A PAYING INVESTMENT. Market Clerk C.

B. Zimemrman was a busy man this morning--almost. Three farmers backed up on Oak street and paid their fees. We have room to be jubilant over this showing, however, as one day a week or so ago only one farmer constituted the "market." Ask for valuable coupons, Thomas' Confectionery. 47-tt By Oscar Eagle Stage Director Tells How Father John's Medicine Cured Him of the After -Effects of Pneumonia Speaking of the risks taken by business and professional men, Oscar Eagle, stage director for Leibler productions, says: "After an acute attack of typhoid pneumonia, I got up out of a sick bed to attend to an important matter, I had a racking cough such as it is impossible to describe.

My business associates expected me to die. Three of the best physicians obtained could do nothing for me. I lost 20 pounds in eleven days and was never so completely run down in my life. That I recovered is regarded by my friends as a miracle I was about to go to a hospital when Father John's Medicine was recommended to me. After continuous failing under the treatment of doctors, I had little faith left, but began taking your medicine.

I continued to take the medicine, and after six bottles was restored to sound health gained the flesh I had lost, and have ever since been as well as ever in my life. Since then I have talked with my physician and learned that he ed Father John's Medicine in such cases. He agreed with me that it has wonderful merit." SHENANDOAH BALLOT BOXES The opening of the ballot box of the First ward of Shenandoah, where Congressman Charles N. Brumm charges wholesale election frauds were perpetrated last November, took place before Commissioner Channell, at Pottsville. The election officers had returned to court 590 votes, but only 576 ballots were found in the box.

Several of these ballots were blank, and many others were illegal. The election officers will be placed on trial in Criminal Court next month. By order of the court, Sheriff Evans also brought the ballot box of the Fourth ward of Shenandoah into court for investigation. 'The count showed many eccentricities on the part of the voters. One man voted for both the Socialist and the Socialist Labor candidates for Governor.

The voter who seemed to take pleasure in casting a blank was also in evidence. The count following result: Straight Republican votes, 62; the straight Democratic votes, 284; split ballots 64; Socialist Labor, Socialist, 41; scattering and blank, Labor, Referendum, 1. The commissioner classified all the ballots carefully, and those showing marks of erasurers on them were set aside. There were many of these ballots--a fact which may be significant. Sensational evidence is expected as to tampering with the ballot box.

The prosecution believes the box was "fixed" for this count. Evidence was taken to show that the box exhibited evidences of tampering and the key was missing for a time. LOCAL ACTOR WILL APPEAR IN "THE BEAUTY DOCTOR" Joe Gibson, Former Townsman, Now on the Stage, is Making a Hit. At the G. A.

R. opera house Friday February 15th Fred E. Wright will present his new and elaborate production of the musical success, "The Beauty Doctor," in what Manager Wright terms the "second edition" of the play. This second edition of "The Beauty Doctor" is replete with new features and numbers, both musical and of a dancing nature and to the favorites who interpreted the piece last year have been added new faces, both among the comedians and in the chorus. New comedy situations, new costumes, besides a pleathora, of musical numbers that all credited with being hits, add to the quality of the already successful musical farce which last year was filled with humorous situations, funny lines and excellent music.

"The Beauty Doctor" is a broadly humorous satire on the beauty culture craze and the theme affords opportunity for an endless amount of wholesome and hearty fun. The score is filled with airs which will be whistled and sung everywhere, notably, "Myron Brown, Farewell," which, as sung by Will Philbrick, the versatile comedian of the company, is one of the year hits. "On a Paper and a Comb," sung by Marie Hylands and a chorus of girls dressed as Costermonger boys and girls; "Come Down, Mr. Man in the Moon," "Angel Voices," sung by "Joe" Gibson and Miss Hyland and Mr. Farrington a topical trio of great merit and many other features.

All these numbers are well interpreted by the comedians and the coterie of singing and dancing girls who in "The Beauty Doctor" constitute some of the handsomest women seen in this branch of stage-craft. The cast includes that rarity in muscial comedy--a number of comedians instead of the usual one man with parts of nearly equal value, and all in all "The Beauty Doctor" contains such: a wealth of material such as goes into the make-up of a musical comedy that it undoubtedly promises plenty of good entertainment. ST. VALENTINE'S DAY. With St.

Valentine's Day--February 14th- week distant, the large stocks of valentines in the local stores are already decreasing. The same oldtime "comics" are on hand as usual, with a bewildering array of the more genteel and elaborate kinds. The postcard, which long since entered the valentine field, bids fair to crowd the old-fashioned "comics" out of business, as their assortment is more extensive than ever. And incidentally, a marked improvement has been noticed in valentines the last few years this being more noticeable this year than ever. MUST SERVE 18 YEARS.

Upholding the verdict of the jury which found Joseph Beingo of West Hazleton guilty of the murder of his father-in-law, Raefelo Marsicano, the West Berwick merchant, on the ing of June 28th last, the Supreme Court, in an opinion handed down at. Philadelphia Tuesday affirmed the judgment and refused a new trial to the defendant, who is now in the Eastern penitentiary serving an eighteen year term of imprisonment. MORE BASE BALL TALK This is the season of the year when base ball "pipes" hold full sway. Here's the latest, from the Shamokin Herald: It is now reported, and on good authority that in 1908 there will be a base ball league formed that will afford lovers of the great national pastime a chance to see the real article in base ball here. J.

J. Kelley a man who knows base ball from wielding the willow to handling the indicator, is strongly advocating the movement and if his plans go through the league will be known as the Pennsylvania league and will be under class protection. The salary list in this class of protection will not be large and good players can be secured. The game is not dead in Shamokin and a league of this kind would just about suit us. An eight club circuit will be formed from the following towns: Shamokin, Pottsville, Hazleton, Allentown, Mount Carmel, Sunbury, Milton, Bloomsburg, Mahanoy City and Shenandoah.

Shenandoah, Mount Carmel, Shamokin and possibly Mahanoy City can play Sunday ball. The grounds of the West End Gun Club will be leased here, if possible, for Sunday ball and during the week the games will be played at Edgewood Park. The league looks probable and as if it will be a good paying investment. LOCUST GAP (From our regular correspondent) Mrs. Coyne, Mrs.

Michael Dean, Frank Klaus and wife, Michael Breslin and family, attended the funeral of Michael Breslin at Mount Carmel yesterday. John Langton and wife, Mrs. Langton and family, Mrs. Moran, Samuel Hollister, Miss Sadie Gribbons, Thomas Colihan and wife, William Whalen, attended the funeral of Mrs. Garner of Ashland.

Mrs. James Roarty of New York is visiting her mother Mrs. Patrick Manley. Mrs. Fox of Erie returned after spending a few weeks with her sister Mrs.

Peter Bosche. F. Boyle is much improved after a serious illness. The Locust Gap basket ball team will play Wilmington, in the St. Joseph's Hall Saturday February 9.

It will likely be the last game in this place for a few weeks. LEBANON CHURCH TRIES TELEPHONES IN PEWS Pew telephones for churches, a novelty in Lebanon, are being tried in Salem United Brethren Church, Ninth and Church streets, of which Rev. E. Miller is pastor. Four pews in the main auditorium of Salem Church have been fitted up with the device.

At the end of the pew is a receiver on a bracket. The person of impaired hearing who cannot otherwise hear the sermon, holds the receiver to his ear during the sermon. The receiver is connected by wires, concealed in cording similar to the cords on a telephone, to a big receiver placed just in front of the pulpit. In Salem church there are two of the pulpit receivers, each connected with two pews. The pulpit receivers are sort tubes with bell ends turned towards the preacher in the pulpit.

All he says is caught and magnified in sound by the receivers, and conveyed by the electric current to pews occupied by persons deaf or partially SO who might otherwise hear nothing of the service. The tones of the pipe organ, also are reproduced in the receivers. Those not totally deaf can get much pleasure and benefit by the use of the device. The pulpit receivers are of gutta percha or of hard rubber, and are not conspicious. MAN EXPOSED TO PIERCING COLD DIES.

Andrew Kelly, a nondescript char: acter of Shenandoah, was found badly frozen at 2 o'clock yesterday morning behind the Armour meat plant by Chief of Police Fallon. He was immediately removed to Graham's restaurant and two doctors summoned. He died a few hours after. The unfortunate fellow is about 50 years of age and leaves a widow and family. GOOD NEWS FOR VETERANS.

The House passed the service pension bill which passed the Senate, January 15th, increasing the pensions of soldiers and sailor of the civil war and the war with Mexico. The bill provides that persons having reached the age of 62 years shall receive $12 per month; seventy years, $15; seventy-five years, $20; the pension to commence from the date of filing the application. The bill now goes to the President. ASYLUM'S PLANS 500 YEARS OLD Even though the State Lunacy Commission recently declared the Danville Insane Asylum as antiquated and unfitted for its purpose, it will surprise most people to learn that the Danville asylum buildings were built on plans made 500 years ago. But such seems to be the case.

The State Commission is determined to bring about a radical change in the care of the insane, and the most important step is a meeting called today in Philadelphia, at which the leading alienists of the country will be present and when steps for improvement will be decided on. Says the Williamsport Sun: "The necessity for doing something may be better appreciated when it is known that such hospitals as the ones at Danville, Norristown, Harrisburg, Warren and Dixmont were built on plans used for the old Spanish monastery hospitals of 400 years ago. The one at Danville i is said to have been built on plans 500 years old. The object of the commission is to show the faults in the present variegated treatment for the insane used in the several State institutions. After demonstrating the ancient character of the plans and buildings, Chairman Walton will show for the benefit of the superintendents and trustees at the State hospitals for the insane that their treatment is not in accordance with the most modern methods, and testimony will be given to shed light upon the most improved method of treating the insane.

'All of the superintendents have been invited to attend the meeting, so that they can learn the opinions of America's foremost alienists 'as to the best methods of caring for and treating the insane. There will be morning and afternoon sessions." HOW MITCHELL BEGAN THE BATTLE OF LIFE. Last Monday was the thirty-eighth birthday of John Mitchell, national president of the W. of A. He was born in Braidwood, Feb.

4, 1869. He was left an orphan at an early age, his mother having died when he was two years old, and his father being accidently killed when he was 5 years old. At 13 the boy was compelled to enter the mines at Braidwood and work for his living. He worked in the mines of Colorado, Illinois and New Mexico, and became president of the U. M.

W. of A. Since 1898 Mr. Mitchell has been one of the vice presidents of the American Federation of Labor. MADE MERRY WITH BROKEN SKULL.

Coming home from the mines with his skull fractured as the result of being caught by a fall of coal, Ignatius Trefaren, of Lansford, dressed himself and spent the evening in merry making in a saloon at that place. In the morning he was found dead in bed. MULES ENTOMBED IN MINES. A cavein occurred in the number three slope of the Cameron colliery, near Shamokin, entombing several men and five mules. The men effected their escape through air holes, but the mules are held prisoner and are being fed by means of tubes from the surface.

Meanwhile a corps of employes is making all possible haste in clearing away the debris in order to save the animal's lives. PHYSICIAN'S MOTHER DIES. Mrs. Elizabeth Gerheart, of Elysburg, mother of the well known Dr. Gerheart, died at her home this morning and will be buried Monday morning.

Deceased was seventy-three years of age and is survived by a husband and ten children. POOR MINERSVILLE. The "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" Company, which played in the local opera house last evening, left over the Reading lines for Minersville this morning.

Fresh sour kraut daily at D. E. Herb's Fifth and Market streets. tf ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Estate of Frank Harvey, late of the Borough Mount Carmel, Northumberland County, deceased.

Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Frank Harvey, late of the Borough of Mount Carmel, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned Adminis trator to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay to The Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Company of Mount Carmel, Pa. or to Edward J. Flynn, Attorney. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup containing Honey and Tar is especially appropriate for children, no opiates or poisons of any character, conforms to the conditions the National Pure Food and Drug Law, June 30, 1906. For Croup, whooping cough, etc.

It expels Coughs and Colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold by F. J. Tye's drug store.

A Magnificent Showing of New Merchandise Through out Every Department of Our Store The most Important February Sale ever held. The preparations for this sale have been unusual. Efforts have been made 1 to collect the BEST BARGAINS that could be found, so that this February Showing of entirely new and absolutely reliable goods, will be very special MONEY-SAVING opportunities. Wash Goods Mercerized Plaids, when made up it in the various tints and designs, handMercerized poplins in all the leading looks like silk. In all the newest some, practical and effective dress shades, suitable for evening and street shades, 27 inches wide per yard.

fabrics at low prices. wear; value 39c. Sale price per Waists yard Underpriced. Glove Bargains. White lawn waists, prettily made, Fine French Organdies, in handsome with entire front For a quick clearance of all winter of all-over openwork flowered effects; 15c value, sale price embroidery, yoke effect with lace in- we have marked them so ungloves sertion value usually low, 25c value at 15c; 50c valper yard $2.00.

Sale price ule at30c. White Dotted Swisses and madras Spring 1907 Fabrics Now on Exhibition cloth, fancy striped lawns, value 35c. Splendid of the 16 Button length fleeced lined gathering new spring Sale price per cloth materials, showing the new tans gloves $1.00 LOUIS GROSSMAN MERCANTILE COMPANY. ZUBAH DECLARED NOT GUILTY The police were communicated with, Zubah was given a midnight hearing before Justice of the Peace J. H.

Reed at which he is said to have exclaimed "I killed Barder and I want to pay penalty of the crime." He was committed to jail to await trial. Attorneys For Defense. Zubah was placed on trial for his life, charged with murder in the first degree, on Monday. District Attorney Cummings and his assistant, Thomas N. Burke, of this city, conducted the case for the commonwealth, and in his closing speech the District Attorney strongly urged that the man be found guilty of murder.

Zubah's counsel were Attorneys Frank Strouss, of town. and W. W. Ryon, of Shamokin, and in their arguments they made a strong plea for the prisoner's acquittal, contending that he only protected his own life by shooting Barder. Where Zubah Erred.

It is admitted that Zubah did wrong when he purchased cartridges and went to the Barder home; that he was in the wrong in the matter of throwing stones against the house; but the jury thought he was right when he shot Barder, becaue he knew his life was in danger and that he had to defend himself. The straightforward manner in which Zubah told the story of the crime made an impression on the jury and that the members believed his version to be true is shown by the verdict. Held on Another Charge. Though acquitted of the crime of murder, Zubah is not a free man yet. John Malko, whom he shot in the leg during the scuffle which ensued immediately after the killing of Barder, lodged a charge of aggravated assault and battery against him, and unless he can secure bail he will have to main in prison until the May term of criminal court.

Dissatisfaction Expressed. Many people attribute the acquittal of Zubah to 'Northumberland county's justice." It is hard, for the average person to pass judgment on a case of this kind, became prejudice and biased opinions always play an important part in cases tried by individuals. "Twelve good men and true" were chosen to sift the evidence and determine the guilt of the accused. They gave each phase careful consideration and there is no appeal from their verdict, so the public at large can do nothing further in the matter. WILL ATTEND BALL.

(Continued from First page.) Charles Rabinowitz and sister Miss Edith. of south Oak street, left at noon today for Pottsville, where tonight they will attend the annual ball given by H. H. G.A. R.

HOpera ouse Friday, Feb. 15 Fred E. Wright's big musical com dy 'The Beauty Doctor" BIGGER BETTER BRIGHTER THAN EVER Introducing no end of novel features, new music, new specialties. Costumes and scenery prettier than ever. The great cast headed by that awfully funny comedian WILL PHILBRICK AND "JOE" GIBSON (A native of this city.) and the cutest of soubrettes MARIE HYLANDS Prices $1.00, 75, 50, 35, 25cl Men's $2 Men's $2.50 High Cut selling lined shoes now shoes reduced to for $4.00 now $1.55 $1.93 $3.25 $1.93 Bargains in $1.93 Ladies FOOTWEAR Men's $2.50 Special Reductions on shoes, all styles, these lines during the re- Shoes reduced mainder of the week.

latest designs, to $1.93 Jos. J. Stief, South Oak Street $1.93 All Felts at Men's $2.50 wool Boy's $3.00 equally low lined shoos, rubber shoes prices. heel reduced to $1.85 $2.50 WIT do Our large business on OLD RAP is due to the fact that we give superior quality at reasonable prices. ado Thomas Pepper's Sons En de a A de A THE BEST BREAD Is only possible when the Best Flour is used.

Golden Brand Flour Will positively prove the best. For Sale by all Grocers THIS IS A SENSIBLE MOVE. THIS A bill has been approved by the house committee on postoffices, providing that ten cents worth of stamps of any denomination may be used instead of the special delivery stamp, provided the words "special delivery" be written on the letter. The passage of such an act will be welcomed by the general public as a most sensible inovation. Under the new law all that will be necessary will be to put ten cents worth of any kind of stamps on the with the proper wording on letter, and the letter will reach its destination.

"WRONGLY ACCUSED" The new sensational Melodrama "Wrongly Accused," will be presented at the opera house Satruday February 9th. Mr. Joseph Ferguson, the author, will be seen in the leading role in this production. He is suported by a first class company of well known players and every detail has been considered to make this attraction one of the best of many successes. THE COFFEE THE COFFEE that touches the spot-Triunfo.

For sale by Robert Davis, 101 west Aveaue. 66 tf Advertise in the ITEM. HOW TYPHOID WAS SPREAD. "The crime of concealing a case of typhoid fever," said Healh Commissioner S. G.

Dixon, yesterday, "was never made more apparent than in the present outbreak of twenty-five cases in Allentown. A milk dealer had a case of typhoid fever on his dairy, in Salisbury township, and spread the disease all along his milk route." From the Reinhart dairy milk was served to a large number of families in Allentown, and it is alleged that the typhoid was carried to all of the twenty-five houses by use of milk from the Reinhart dairy. THE BLIND MAY SEE. Mrs. Bert Sallada, of Centralia, is feeling much encouraged because Dr.

Brown, of Bloomsburg, who is treating her eighteen months' old son, who has been blind since birth, gives out strong hopes that the child may yet receive is sight. Only a mother can realize what this hope means to her, and should it be realized, hes cup of happiness would indeed be full. The best in cheese, Brick, Sweitzer, and Limberger at Dondero's. 47-tf. AND FOR SALE- pair of new bobsleds.

Price $10. Apply to D. E. Herb..

Mount Carmel Item from Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.